Today I am going to talk about one element of interpersonal communication called Source-Receiver. It involves at least two people. It includes a source, a receiver, a code, an encoder, and a decoder. In this blog I will explain this process.
I want make a model to explain the definition. For example, I will talk about the process of calling a friend. When we make a call, we send messages to our friends. The person making the call is the source, and the receiver of the phone call is also the receiver of the message. The source talks into the phone which does the encoding. The code is sent to the receiver’s phone which does the decoding. Then the receiver hears the original message from the source.
For interpersonal communication to occur, meanings must be both encoded and decoded. The source is the sender of the message, the receiver gets the message, the code is a set of symbols, encoding makes the message into code, and decoding un-codes, understands, and interprets the message.
concrete example.